Monday 28 February 2011


I've decided to start a blog since getting engaged I have been driving everyone crazy about my ideas and plans for my wedding in October 2011.

 I had an amazing engagement party with 250 guest in leafy North London on the 14th mat 2010
It was a basically a mini wedding which is what my photographer Julie Kim quoted on her blog. My guest indulged in a 7 coarse meal, 4 piece wedding band, the bland banqueting hall was decorated with a white dance floor, beautiful roses and a backdrop with lights. My dress was couture design by KYRI it was an expensive purchase but the comments I had on the night and my dress is still talked about to this day.
 My hair was done by my amazing hairdresser who works in a boutique hair salon called Coco. He did a fantastic oscar style hair do, the comments were and still are endless. i am hoping he'll be doing my wedding hair too.

The Engagement
My fiancee proposed on holiday in the US cut a long story short he proposed up in the Mammoth mountains by a waterfall all on our own wait for it.....
with 'TIFFANY DIAMOND EARRING' I was speechless the fact he smuggled them into the US and actually surprised me (I am a very hard person to surprise.) of course I said 'YES' I still can't get over the surprise!!!! The earrings are amazing and I LOVE THEM. Thank you babyim you truly do spoil me!

Mammoth Mountain

Tiffany Diamond earrings


The Engagement Party

photography Julie Kim

The Hair 

The Preparation

Photography by Julie Kim

Gina Shoes

The Kyri Dress

The fiancee

The moment we sat down we both turn to look at our guests.

The first Dance

Dancing all night long

The Enagagement Ceremony

Photography by Julie Kim

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