Saturday 12 March 2011

Mindy Weiss Wedding Designer

Mindy Weiss is a celebrity party planner and an inspirational mentors for wedding design. she  is well known for creating  the most lavish beautiful weddings, bah mitsvahs and hollywood parties. Her celebrity clients including: Ellen Degeneres & Portia Rossi, Ashlee Simpson & Pete Wentz; Eva Longoria & Tony Parker; Heidi Klum & Seal; Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale; Jackie & Adam Sandler; Jessica Simpson & Nick Lacey. 

While searching the internet for wedding ideas and inspirtaion I came across Mindy Weiss weddings and found her website "She has a book out "The wedding Book" which I purchase, has tons of ideas for your wedding .
Check out her website, you can buy her book on the website.

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